Hot Minecraft News Stories

Minecraft: Metropolitan City

I've often marvelled at the complex worlds people come up with on Minecraft. I particularly enjoy looking at maps with skyscrapers and modern structures in modern cities. If you're one of those people too, check out this sneak peek for a tour of a world-class city containing replicas of buildings including the Trump Tower, BMO and one of my favourites: The Bellagio Hotel! The world has been made on the XBOX 360 by a very creative user with the gamertag: TH3 3ND 0F TiM3.

News: Bend and Shape Trees However You Want in This Saturday's Minecraft Workshop on Tree Molding

Trees can be annoying in Minecraft, because they're organic and grow in unpredictable ways. But there are a few techniques for controlling how trees grow so that you can have a forest that looks exactly like you want it to! Come join us at our workshop this Saturday and we'll show you how to make trees grow how you'd like them to! Then you can compete to see who can make the coolest tree! Workshops are held on our server,, every Saturday at 12:01 pm PST (3:01 pm EST). I hop...

News: Welcome to Yownas Redstone Playground

For a while I've been playing around, buliding a redstone playground. I've tried to gather and build some things, from a simple AND-gate to more complex things. It is not supposed to be a place where I try to be a show-off, but rather a place where people can come and get inspired or just walk around and push buttons for fun. The designs aren't supposed to be "the" solution to any redstone-problem but rather somnething that is easy to build or atleast get some kind of understanding how to sol...

News: Awesome Minecraft-Inspired Animal Art

A friend of mine sent me a link to the work of Laura Bifano, and I was totally blown away. She has a whole gallery of Minecraft-inspired art of various animals, and it's just the coolest thing in the world! Check out this one, small example: I don't want to repost all of them here, because you should definitely go check them out at her gallery. However, if anyone wants to make any (or all) of these for our current Mythical Creatures challenge, I'll allow it!

Portland : Zeppelin City One

You knew it was coming - and it's finally here. After 2.5+ months, my solo build aka : "Zeppelin City One" is complete. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but this thing is large enough for a video. Special thanks to Pmag and Ping for helping throw switches and set day / night during the video "shoot". Also included an assortment of in-build photos plus the source image that the Airship started from.

News: Redstone Printer 1.0

I was messing around in single player, (because the server is down) when a wild idea came to my mind. To build a printer, i have seen many examples on youtube, but all of them where to complex to my understanding of redstone. The end result was simple and it could save 4 images. The printer only prints in 2 colours in white (wool) and grey (cobblestone). As you have seen in the las image above, there are 25 buttons on the wall, they are parallel to the display and you can use them to edit the...

News: PvP + Traps = Awesomeness! in This Week's Redstone Competition

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our tutorials, post to the Inspiration board, and come play on our free server! HELLO, FELLOW MINECRAFTERS. Pmaguire here, bringing you my favorite idea for a competition so far! I hope that you will come to love it as much as I do! Well, starting off, as the title states, this week's Redstone Competition will be PvP Arenas! Except, not just ones where you physically fight. You have to have traps, things that make it hard to fight, and various ideas using...

News: Stay at the White House in This Week's Replication Challenge

As most of you already know, the White House is the seat of the Executive branch of government in the United States. Constructed in 1792, it is one of the oldest buildings in the U.S. During the War of 1812, it was burned down and later rebuilt. The White House was inspired by a few foreign government buildings and is somewhat Greek in appearance.