Last week, I did a short tutorial on three main types of flooring for your Minecraft builds. This week, I will be focusing on just one of those—inset floors. This was the first of the three types I briefly covered, and the example I used was an inset fireplace. Here, I will be going over 5 types of inset floors. I did not light the fireplaces, because the building I was using kept burning down.
1. Lowered Wall Fireplace
This type of inset floor surrounds a fireplace and chimney that are in the wall. It looks great in cabins and other rustic-style builds. I included a small couch opposite the fire with small steps on either side.
2. Lowered Floor Fireplace
This type of floor is a small inset area surrounding a fireplace in the middle of a room. This works well in hotels and any large, open buildings. I added a stone seat and fences.
3. Lowered Table
This type of floor is just a table lowered into the ground with steps leading down to it. This inset floor looks good in Oriental builds. I didn't really add much else to this one.
4: Raised Bed
This inset floor is lowered along the outside of the room and normal elevation in the middle with a bed on top. This looks great for large beds such as a king's bed in a castle. I added some lamps and a backboard to the bed.
5. Lowered Bed
This type of floor is just a bed that has been lowered one block from the floor and is surrounded by slabs. This type of floor also looks good in an Oriental-style building. I added a frame/canopy and some bookshelves.
What can you do with inset flooring?
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I use the lowered fireplace all the time.
I really like using the inset table. Saves space. I also like to have pistons on the floor for the table and when you push the button, BOOP!, the table comes out!
Great idea, you should use it for this week's challenge :P
Great tips, Leinad! My favorite is definitely the fireplace, gives off a more sophisticated look - love it!
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