Hot Minecraft News Stories

News: Animal Breeding

Is this what you think it is? Yes! animal breeding now comes to Minecraft, which has baby animals that grow up into adults when you give them wheat (not immediately I believe). This was something that was there only in the Baby Animals mod but now....its actually there.

News: Are You HARDCORE?

Notch recently noted a possible end to the currently-frozen scoring system: experience orbs may begin counting towards a score total in the near future! The recent screenshot also reveals another likely addition, in the form of Hardcore Mode - death means world deletion. At the moment, Minecraft only offers item loss as a potential deterrent from death; the inclusion of an optional Hardcore Mode would certainly provide a new sense of danger and accomplishment to an already excellent game!

News: Breaking Redstone Limits

Redstone inventions are a staple of Minecraft, and computers designed with it have been a popular form of construction. User dudearent006 takes this to another level with this staggering creation - a highly advanced redstone computer! Featuring 150 bits of RAM, a 10-bit processor and a GPU advanced enough for its own topic, this mind-blowing creation has to be seen to be believed.

News: Minecraft World's Weekly Workshop: Music to My Ears

This Week's Workshop: Music To My Ears The heart of WonderHowTo's Minecraft World is, naturally, “How-To” and so in the spirit of all things tutorial and DIY we will be hosting a weekly workshop showcasing the best and newest tutorials, builds, and inspiring ideas. We hope to inspire creativity and create a place where the community can share ideas and practice skills, right here on our server.

News: New Character Screen Released

Jeb tweeted a new image recently, indicating some significant changes to the inventory - stats, possible bottles for potions and more! An earlier tweet seemed to support the potion theory, with a mention of a possible blindness potion. He seemed to indicate that the inventory/stat changes would not take effect in 1.9, however.

News: Minecraft Programmable Piano

Youtuber FVDisco has created a fully functioning, redstone, noteblock & piston-driven piano! If that wasn't amazing enough, it's also fully programmable! This video gives us a pre-made song to hear, then walks us through the process of setting up a song from scratch. Take a look!

News: Dance Dance Revolution

If you ever doubted the creative potential of Minecraft, there's something you need to watch. User longhornman99001 has successfully recreated a working version of Dance Dance Revolution in single player.

News: Rivers!

Here we can see the first released image of a game-generated river! It's a safe bet at the moment that it will face similar height restrictions as default water generation, but that may change in time - after all, we already have legitimately generated "waterfalls"!

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