In this Tutorial I am gonna tell you how to make a good farms. Startin with a little Wheat farm , then a Pumpkin Farm at last the best Unlimited Snow Farm
To play Minecraft with mods you will need to install Forge. Most people think this is hard to do, not so. It is very simple and in less than 5 minutes you can be playing Modded Minecraft.
This is a chicken farm which collects all of the eggs laid by chickens and hatches them using a dispenser. Then when grown up they get fried and the cooked meat gets collected in a chest.
Hello everyone, this how-to is for all the people who love to make videos, but don't necessarily have the cash or willpower to shell out on an expensive mic., or simply are looking for an easier option.
Have you ever been called a "noob" or "eZ" after some person kills you? have you ever said "you hack" or "you suck" after getting your butt kicked by another player? this wont ever have to happen again. It is actually possible to be very good at PvP in Minecraft, and you can also be good at it. Now, it is your turn to win in every battle you fight in Minecraft PvP.
This "How-to" is how to survive your first night on Minecraft. This is for new Minecraftians to Minecraft. The first thing you want to do is find wood. This is very essential to survive your first night. Then, you want to make wooden planks. To craft anything, press E or I. After that, there should be a 2x2 box at the top. Put two wooden planks on top of each other. If you did this right, there should b four sticks to the right. After that, you want to make a Crafting Table. To make a Crafting...
The following tutorial gives you an inside look on how to construct an incredible looking SR-71, also known as a Blackbird. If an aerial vehicle aficionado, you've come to the right place! This build really is a force to be reckoned with...
In Minecraft, a large aspect of the game is PVP (Player vs. Player Combat). A hardcore Minecraft fan will remember that back in Beta 1.8, combat was switched up, and it really changed the game around. Here are some tips on what a two-year Minecraft player has to say.
A very large aspect of minecraft is redstone. Infact, redstone is probably what keeps me playing minecraft today. Ever since the piston update of beta 1.7, redstone has taken minecraft to a whole new level, with the ability to manipulate the entire world around you with the flick of a switch. In this guide I'm going to quickly cover a few great redstone tips you probably did not know!
In Minecraft, many people enjoy "Faction" aka "Raiding" multiplayer servers for their unique gameplay and survival aspect. Plus, it's always fun when you find a chest full of somebody else's free stuff.
Every once in a while, Minecrafters want to create a simple hidden piston door to secretly hide all their valuable items. Now, it's possible with only 18 redstone, 2 repeaters, 12 sticky pistons, and ONLY 20 blocks of any kind!
A couple of months ago we showed you Foldify, an iOS app that allows you to create your own custom, foldable, 3D papercraft files. Your designs could then be sent to your printer, cut out, and assembled.
With the recent announcement of our server shutting down, it's time to get in and save the things you've made. However, this will work on any CraftBukkit server as well, and gives no extra strain to the server as the work is all done on your local computer.
Summer is over and autumn is here. Serotonin levels are dropping and people don't have the motivation to be outside as much anymore. So we play Minecraft instead. But walking is cumbersome, so we want minecarts. Remembering to carry one in your inventory or placing one on the tracks might be a bit much to ask for, and don't even get me started on bothering to press a button to make it go.
Hey guys, I was building my floating island earlier today (and having a quick look at the competition) and I came up with a couple of hints and tips that will really improve your islands.
I saw Maro post about a trap on YouTube today, so I thought I'd post one here that I just invented. Since we are friendly at WonderHowTo, the TNT has been replaced with a note block.
Combination locks in Minecraft can be really simple or frustratingly difficult, but no matter how complicated they are, some of them fall victim to the same simple exploits.
Tripwires are a new mechanic released in Minecraft 1.3, and people are still trying to figure out how best to use them. Minecart returns are a great idea, but what about traps?
Getting two sticky-pistons to pull eachother, a piston-train, isn't anything new but the pistons and their timing in 1.3 are and there has been alot of QQ-ing on the Minecraft-forums about how bad they are and that Jeb should bring back the old pistons we all know. I, for one, not only welcome out new 1.3-pistons but have also made a small mini-game out of them.
What's nice about Minecraft 1.3 is that it makes minecart stations so simple. Before, you needed redstone and buttons and powered rails in order to make a good minecart station. Now you hardly need anything at all!
I should start off by saying that this technique is of no real practical value, because this process is far more time-consuming than simply just manually trimming trees to meet your specifications. That said, it's an awful lot of fun to play with!
Sometimes you just want to kill a whole bunch of things at once, or to paraphrase Samuel L. Jackson in Jackie Brown, sometimes you absolutely, positively got to kill every mob in the room. Well, the automatic machine gun is the way to do it; accept no substitutes!
Relays are simple redstone devices that allow you to switch between multiple outputs with only one input. They're incredibly useful in the right situation!
First off, I would like to say two things. One, this is not for beginners; if you don't feel that you understand this how-to at all, do not try it. Second, never ever install random software or change settings if you do not trust the source.
BUD (Block Update Detector) switches can essentially take the place of a regular switch like a lever or a button, but instead of having a "usable" function like pressing the button or flipping the lever, BUD switches trigger when a block next to a piston changes states.
A travelator, also known as a moving walkway or moving sidewalk, seems like a tricky thing to build in Minecraft, especially when it's zigzagging, but there are really simple autowalks out there (like this one).
You know how sometimes you accidentally send a minecart shooting out down your tracks, and you can only watch helplessly as it fades into the distance? And then you know that you have to go find it and break it, so that it doesn't stop up your cart traffic on your tracks.
This is a cool little trap that me and some friends came up with while messing around with TNT and redstone on a big platform in the sky. The reason we called it the 'Roof Lever Trap' is because it utilizes the ability to place levers on the bottom side of blocks, which was introduced in Minecraft 1.3.1.
Many Minecrafters think that Minecart Traveling with many rails is the fastest (most efficient) way of travel. They are wrong. There is one other way of traveling with carts on rails, Forward, Backward, and Upward. And it can take you places up to 6X Faster than the traditional Minecart Design, and, its just as simple to make.
The most complicated logic-gate to build in Minecraft is the XOR-gate. (Well, actually it is the XNOR but it is just a XOR with a NOT at the end.) On a XOR-gate any of the inputs (usually two) can be high but only one at a time. So far I haven't seen good XOR-gates with more than 2 inputs, you can do a 4-input one by connecting two XOR-gates to a third one, but it gets quite large.
Sometimes the hardest part about getting your minecart rolling is the beginning takeoff. Have you ever started a minecart on a hill, and then tried to jump into it as it started moving, only to fail and watch it slowly dwindle into the distance?
If you're like me, the words 'monostable circuit' mean nothing to you. Until just recently, I had no idea what a monostable circuit did, or why anyone would ever need to use one.