Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our tutorials, post to the community corkboard, and come play on our free server!
Everyone seems to really be enjoying the current Weekly Challenge, so it was a little hard to find some finished builds. There are some work-in-progress builds that are absolutely STUNNING in their current state, so... get to work guys (you know who you are)! I've been dying to show off some of these, but I know they probably want me to wait until they're finished!
Even though this week was tough, admins were still able to find some amazing builds! If you missed last week's winners, be sure to check those out!
If you didn't win this week, don't fret! We will be doing the Weekly Staff Choice Awards every single week. If you would like to know what prizes will be given out for the Staff Choice Awards, check out the latest Weekly Challenge to see what perks you could win! The prizes given out for the Weekly Staff Choice Awards will always be the same as the prizes for the Weekly Challenge.
For next week, if you would like to enter your build, please do so by posting a video, screenshots, and some information about your build to the community corkboard.
You can also message me (Maroselis) in-game if you would like to recommend someone else for that week! If I'm not in game at the time, just type "/mail send Maroselis [And your message here]" (without the quotes). Please try to include the coordinates of the build that you are recommending to make it easier for me to find it! Hit f3 in game to see your current coordinates.
Grand Prize Winners: Zbuck and BlackyNine07
Zbuck just joined the server this week and is already hard at work! So far, he's created several awesome pixel art characters and they keep popping up everywhere. He seems to have quite a knack for pixel art, and the pixel art he did this week is absolutely flawless!
BlackyNine07 created a "creeper cave" with several redstone surprises throughout. It's the perfect little hideout shelter! It has hidden lighting, a fireplace (click the button and it's a disposal) and a mystery door behind bookcases that leads you to the private balcony! It has a very cozy vibe to it, so I'm not sure I would call it a cave... but it is on the side of a mountain!
- 1 Grand Prize winner - Contributor rank in game + Nyan Cat (/nyan)!
- Honorable Mentions - Contributor rank in game!
* Contributor rank in game allows you to change your gamemode (survival/creative), put yourself in godmode (/god), set 20 homes, claim 50 (16x16) plots and wear hats with /hat!
* Nyan Cat is a plugin I just installed for the winners of this week. Here's a quick video showing what it does:
Congratulations to the winners, you guys did an outstanding job! I can't wait to see what everyone has in store for the admins next week!
Don't forget to hop on the server this Saturday, Feb 25th at 2 PM PST / 5 PM EST where we will be recreating this working movie screen! If you need to convert the time to another time zone, try this handy convertor.
We use TeamSpeak3 for our tutorials; you can download it free here.
Our channel is: ts.wonderhowto.com.
Follow us on Twitter @MinecraftHowTo!
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