Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our tutorials, post to the community corkboard, and come play on our free server!
It's another Friday, which means it's time for the Weekly Staff Choice Awards. Last week's went great, with Gusse Fant's amazing Steam Fortress taking home the crown. This week, the staff here went around to all of the new builds and compiled a great list of the best for the week.
If you didn't win this week, don't fret! We will be doing the Weekly Staff Choice Awards every single week. If you would like to know what prizes will be given out for the Staff Choice Awards, check out the latest Weekly Challenge to see what perks you could win! The prizes given out for the Weekly Staff Choice Awards will always be the same as the prizes for the Weekly Challenge.
For next week, if you would like to enter your build, please do so by posting a video, screenshots, and some information about your build to the community corkboard.
You can also message me (Maroselis) in-game if you would like to recommend someone else for that week! If I'm not in game at the time, just type "/mail send Maroselis [And your message here]" (without the quotes). Please try to include the coordinates of the build that you are recommending to make it easier for me to find it! Hit f3 in game to see your current coordinates.
Grand Prize Winner: Nickodeemus
As some of you may or may not know, Nickodeemus is actually a newcomer of WonderHowTo's Minecraft server! He didn't waste any time, as he got right to work on this brilliant creation. Nickodeemus created this outstanding mansion (elevator included), with it's own tram station that brings him to a secret underwater masterpiece. A lot of thought, time and patience must have gone into this creation, so congratulations Nickodeemus!
Honorable Mentions: TehGeekFather, duggan93 & shadowbalrog
TehGeekFather created this small house made out of wool, stone brick and pine wood logs. The house has a little railroad station outside of it that leads right down to an abandoned mine!

The cute house!

Inside the house

The start of the tracks

Tracks lead down the mountain and over this bridge to...

Miller's Abandoned Mine!

The cute house!

Inside the house

The start of the tracks

Tracks lead down the mountain and over this bridge to...

Miller's Abandoned Mine!
duggan93 and shadowbalrog created a gorgeous, modern house complete with a little garden lounge area. It looks like the beginning of a city they're building... so I'll have to keep up with the future developments!


Entrance steps

Grand Entrance!


Lounge area



Entrance steps

Grand Entrance!


Lounge area

- 1 Grand Prize winner - Contributor rank in game + Mob Disguise: Ghast!
- Honorable Mentions - Contributor rank in game!
* Contributor rank in game allows you to change your gamemode (survival/creative), put yourself in godmode (/god), set 20 homes, claim 50 (16x16) plots and wear hats with /hat!
* Mob Disguise: Ghast allows you to turn into a Ghast! Do "/md ghast" in-game to turn yourself into a Ghast, and "/md" to turn back into yourself! You will even make the same sounds that Ghasts usually make!
Congratulations to the winners, I can't wait to see what all of you have in store for the Admins next week!
Don't forget to hop on the server this Saturday, Feb 11th at 4pm CST (2 PM PST / 5 PM EST) where we will be recreating this hidden passageway and sharing some of our tips and tricks to blending your doors in with the surroundings. If you need to convert the time to another time zone, try this handy convertor.
We use TeamSpeak3 for our tutorials; you can download it free here.
Our channel is: ts.wonderhowto.com.
Follow us on Twitter @MinecraftHowTo!
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