Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our tutorials, post to the community corkboard, and come play on our free server!
The server activity has actually been kinda slow while we wait to install the new 1.2.3 update, but that didn't stop any build progress! Everyone on the server has been busy with their challenge and personal projects, which has me very excited to where this World is headed. This week, we've got a very unique winning build that's quite amazing.
If you just so happened to miss last week's winners, you can get a recap here.
Grand Prize Winners: Silverbug12 & Sproga2
Silverbug12 and Sproga2 created the ultimate Minecraft version of Guitar Hero! It works like a charm and is completely addictive. They didn't even skimp on the architectural detail—they went above and beyond! Check out the warp and play with your friends! It's /warp guitarhero when you're in-game!
Grand Prize Won
- Contributor rank in game + MobDisguise: Creeper (/md creeper)!
Mob disguise allows you to turn into a mob in Minecraft. You will not see yourself as that specific mob, but everyone else will think you're actually a creeper!
Honorable Mention: mgabrys
Mgabrys is at it again with his second modular modern house, complete with its own landing pad! It's such a stunning build and you guys should really check it out for yourselves in-game! Just ask mgabrys to teleport you to it! Mgabrys has a great eye for detail and is constantly outdoing himself, so I can't wait to see what else he has in store!

Outside - Angle 1

Outside - Angle 2

Outside - Angle 3


Water escape tunnel

Escape tunnel leads here and goes down the mountain

Outside - Angle 1

Outside - Angle 2

Outside - Angle 3


Water escape tunnel

Escape tunnel leads here and goes down the mountain
Honorable Mention Prize Won
- Contributor rank in game!
Contributor rank in game allows you to change your gamemode (survival/creative), put yourself in godmode (/god), set 20 homes, claim 50 (16x16) plots and wear hats with /hat!
Congratulations to all of the winners. You guys did an outstanding job! I can't wait to see what everyone has in store for the admins next week.
If you didn't win this week, don't fret! We will be doing the Weekly Staff Choice Awards every single week. If you would like to know what prizes will be given out for the Staff Choice Awards, check out the latest Weekly Challenge to see what perks you could win! The prizes given out for the Weekly Staff Choice Awards will always be the same as the prizes for the Weekly Challenge.
How You Could Win
If you would like to enter your build for consideration, please do so by posting a video, screenshots, and some information about your build to the community corkboard.
You can also message me (Maroselis) in-game if you would like to recommend someone else for that week! If I'm not in game at the time, just type "/mail send Maroselis [And your message here]" (without the quotes). The easiest way to get yourself or someone else noticed is if you /sethome NAME. Send me a message and let me know what the home is saved as, so the admins can take a look!
Don't forget to hop on the server this Saturday, March 10th at 3 PM (EST) / 12 PM (PST) where we will be decorating the inside of some gorgeous mansions! If you need to convert the time to another time zone, try this handy convertor.
We use TeamSpeak3 for our tutorials; you can download it free here.
Our channel is: ts.wonderhowto.com.
Follow us on Twitter @MinecraftHowTo!
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