News: Come Make a Functioning Kitchen in Minecraft This Saturday

Come Make a Functioning Kitchen in Minecraft This Saturday

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Are you looking for some fun and unique ways to spice up your kitchen in Minecraft? How about some awesome redstone contraptions to make your kitchen the best in town?

This week's workshop will be focused on bringing kitchens to life with some realistic designs and awesome redstone pieces. It's hard to even think of what would be added in a kitchen that would involve redstone, so we're going to inspire you with some of our great ideas!

Message Maroselis in-game or leave a comment here if you would like to bring some fresh ideas to the table for designing a kitchen! 

Join us this Saturday, April 14th at 3 PM (EST) / 12 PM (PST) where we will be creating a realistic and functioning kitchen! If you need to convert the time to another time zone, try this handy convertor.

We use TeamSpeak3 for our tutorials; you can download it free here.

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